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Eagle Creek Rural Municipality Office
Arelee - 306-237-4424
Harris Rural Municipality Office
Harris - 306-656-2072
Council Meetings First Wednesday of the Month at 8:00am
Montrose Rural Municipality Office
Donavon - 306-493-2694  Website www.rmmontrose.ca
Council Meetings Second Thursday of the Month at 9:00am
Perdue Rural Municipality Office
Perdue - 306-237-4202
Council Meetings Second Tuesday of the Month at 9:00am (8:00am Apr-Oct)
Vanscoy Rural Municipality Office
Vanscoy - 306-668-2060  Website www.rmvanscoy.ca
Council Meetings Second Tuesday of the Month at 9:00am
Asquith Town Office
535 Main Street, Asquith - 306-329-4341  Website www.townofasquith.com
Council Meetings Second Wednesday of the Month at 7:00pm
Delisle Town Office
201 1st Street West - 306-493-2242  Website www.townofdelisle.com
Council Meetings Second Tuesday of the Month at 7:00pm
Harris Village Office
Council Meetings First Wednesday of the Month at 7:00pm
Milden Village Office
306-935-2131  Website
Council Meetings Third Wednesday of the Month at 7:30pm
Kinley Village Office
Council Meetings Second Tuesday of the Month at 7:30pm
Perdue Village Office
306-237-4337  Website www.villageofperdue.com
Council Meetings Third Tuesday of the Month at 7:30pm
Vanscoy Village Office
109 Main Street, Vanscoy - 306-668-2008  Website www.vanscoyvillage.com
Council Meetings Second Wednesday of the Month at 7:30pm
Federal MP - Kelly Block
1-306-882-6447  Website www.kellyblockmp.ca
Provincial MLA - Jim Reiter
1-855-762-2233  Website www.jimreiter.ca